Friday, 20 April 2007

When are you gonna come down...

Almost one month after the trip to NYC, I'm still visiting my cloud every now and then. Am I going crazy? Every time I look at the pictures, or listen to the birthday concert in the train on my way to work, my mind flies to NY and I feel the need to tell everyone about the show...and we've got to admit it, people don't care about Elton John's birthday!

So to feed my need to talk about the weekend, here's a little bit more about our trip to NY...

Let's begin where the last post ended:

Saturday, March 24th, around 4pm: we got out of the subway train downtown and spent the whole afternoon...basically shopping! We've got to thank Rod's Lonely Planet guide for the indications that led us to the best shopping areas. I've got to admit that I was almost feeling sick by the time we got to SoHo, so I couldn't enjoy the shops as much as I'd have liked. But someone got a handful of clothes that day.

We had been looking for a cybercafe where we could check the internet for any fresh Elton news for the whole day. We were about to give up, actually we had almost decided that my state was too bad to go on with the shopping tour and were looking for the nearest subway station when, out of the blue, a cybercafe materialized right in front of us!

The computers in that place were almost slower than my Spanish dial-up connection (and that says something!), but after a few minutes Rod managed to log into his msn and we even managed to open the Hercules fan site and Stephan's blog that he was writing about his trip to NY and updating it everyday. That was how we found out that Elton's party on the eve of his birthday would be a Cathedral!! It was 6 pm when we read that, we called a friend who had just landed in NY and told him the news, we met him at the hotel, got into the subway again and headed for the Cathedral of St. John Divine!

Unfortunately we were too late to see Elton, but we didn't find out until after half an hour of getting soaked in the rain. Elton and David were the first ones to arrive, being the hosts of the party, but we still got to see more celebrities than I'd seen in a lifetime! Elton's band, Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne, Yoko Ono, Liz Hurley, Jon Bon Jovi, Whoopy Goldberg, Robin Williams, Richard Gere! Raining and with all the press in front of us, it was almost impossible to get a good shot, but at the end we were so close that I still got a decent shot of Richard Gere ;-)

We spent some two hours in the rain, it was after being interviewed by some TV crew, we had something to eat in a diner...interesting and very american way to end the day! ;-) So good was the diner, that my umbrella decided to stay in there instead of coming back home with me!

Back in the hotel, time to rest from such an active day and to assimilate what was to come on Sunday...the BIG day, Elton's birthday!!!!

to be continued...

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